Adverse Action and Background Checks: Using Third-Party Screening Can Help

Background checks are a great tool in the hiring process: everything from identity and work verification to credit and criminal history can be found on a background check. While they can often be a mere formality in the hiring process for the perfect candidate, sometimes a background check will present you with information that might […]

Third-Party Screening of the Social Media Generation Is Still Crucial!

The world is on the brink of Generation Z entering the workforce and becoming productive members of society, and yet it feels like only yesterday that millennials were making their debut. Just like with millennials, Gen Z is expected to shake up company culture, so how can you anticipate and adapt to fit the ideals […]

Third-Party Screening Is Essential for Legal, Efficient Background Checks

The Dangers of Improper Background Screening This month in Background Screening in the News, we have a bit of a somber topic to cover regarding background checks. Two different cases of this crucial screening process had surprising and disastrous consequences. At the beginning of June, we discussed how many states are looking to erase the criminal […]

The Changing Landscape of Drug Testing—and How Employers Can Adapt

When you look at your workforce, what do you see? Pretend you’re a time traveler from only as far back as the 1950s, when “customer service” began to boom; you may not even understand how the people you see (or don’t see) work with each other to get the job done! The digital age has […]

Every Successful Human Resource Manager Uses These 4 Tips!

As a Human Resource Manager for your company, you work with the “data of people”—but are you giving yourself the chance to focus on the individuals behind the numbers? The following tips will help you concentrate on seeing the big picture, engaging with employees, and humanizing your hiring practices. Ultimately, the most successful HR Managers know […]

Three Essential Pre-Screening Techniques for Finding Long-Term Employees

Running a business with constant turnover can be stressful—it decreases productivity and puts unnecessary strain on your current employees. Sometimes this turnover can be due to company culture, workload expectations, or training techniques, but often the issue is that you’ve hired the wrong person for the job. Finding the right people to help your company […]

Can Temporary Hires Positively Impact Your Company?

True or False: Temporary hires don’t work as hard as full-time employees. False. Joe Broschak, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Illinois, said regarding a temp worker study: “On average…temporary workers displayed better performance relative to goals compared to their full-time counterparts.” Furthermore, it was found that those with full-time potential don’t start to […]

Marijuana Legalization May Cease the Need for Testing

Welcome back to Background Screening in the News! For our June edition, we’ve decided to focus on drug screening; specifically screening for marijuana. As multiple states legalize this drug, HR Managers and business owners alike are asking: should drug screening practices be changed? Should marijuana be taken off the list of tested drugs? What regulations should […]

Your Easy Guide to the Managerial Role in Pre-Employment Screening

The Human Resources (HR) department wears a lot of hats: they handle disputes between employees, keep track of incident reports, wrangle paid time off, enforce regular evaluations, and, most importantly, help find the best employees for your business! As an HR manager, you’re in charge of all of these items and play a crucial role in developing […]

To Outsource or Not to Outsource? Pros & Cons of Third-Party Screening

Outsourcing your pre-employment screening can take a lot of responsibility and liability off your plate. Third-party screening can assure that the information you receive on your candidates is obtained legally, and lowers the risk of exposing you to sensitive information about potential employees. Your HR team will do the final analysis, so why not make […]

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